Norman Emerson Group

Natural Stone Gravel Calculator

Natural Stone Gravel Calculator

To help you estimate how much gravel you will need to cover your chosen area, please use our calculator below, it is only intended as a rough guide, but will help you work out the likely volume of aggregates, slate or gravel required.

The depth you use will depend on the aggregate size and what it is used for.

If you need to order a large quantity of aggregate, slate or gravel please contact us to discuss your requirements:

Tel: 02838 340 222 email:

The gravel calculator is NOT for use with Dry Dash Aggregates.

Approximately tonnes loose will be required
or NE bulk bags (approx. 850kg)
or NE Natural Stone lg bags (approx. 20kg)
or NE Easibuild XL bags (approx. 25kg)

Easibuild products are available in extra large bags, bulk bags or loose loads
Decorative Gravel products are available in large bags, bulk bags or loose loads

Cobble Stone
Grounds of Head Office

Natural Stone Centre
Showroom Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm